
Kate Beckinsale needs to take a bath every day to transition from day to night

Kate Beckinsale attends the 'Suicide Squad 2‘ movie premiere

Kate Beckinsale has a new brand-ambassadorship: she’s the new spokesperson for MRVL’s Skin Solutions, a skincare brand. While I think Kate is very beautiful and she has lovely skin, I’m not sure I would hire someone who has so much cosmetic work? Of course, she denies that she’s had work done, but we have eyes. To promote this skincare company, Kate chatted at length with People Magazine about her skincare regimen and how she takes baths every day. Some highlights:

Her skincare routine: “I didn’t really have a skincare routine until I was much older, probably in my late thirties, early forties. I’m really lucky, my mum’s got really good skin. I think obviously some of it is a genetic thing, although you can mess that up. I didn’t see sun for the first several decades of my life and that’s probably been a big help. A great deal of it was geography [growing up in England], but the other thing was on the very rare occasions when we would go on a family vacation somewhere hot, I was paranoid that I would get freckles in a mustache formation on my face. So I was wearing Factor 70 [SPF]. I just didn’t want a mustache, that’s really why I used sunscreen.”

Her go-to products: Beckinsale’s other hero products include Cetaphil soap, Pantene shampoo and conditioner, “my hair really likes it,” she says, plus cherry and strawberry Chapstick, which she calls her “absolute jam” and still uses today. “Skincare-wise, I’ve never done anything crazy like a peel. I really would like to, because I see people who’ve had them but I just think something will go wrong and I’d be scarred.”

Why MRVL: “[The company] has such a lovely setup in terms of philanthropy. They have these orphanages that they contribute money towards. Plus the product is amazing. So given that and I really liked what the company was doing, I thought, ‘Great.’ I didn’t want to be behind something that I didn’t like.”

She doesn’t like to shill products: “I’m an actress, I don’t want to be selling products,” she says, but that idea is “slightly more interesting to me as I’m older, to be honest with you. Of course you’re going to have great skin when you’re 19 years old. I think people are slightly more interested in ‘How do you not turn into a walnut overnight?'”

Scorpion milking: MRVL’s products incorporate a peptide (humanely) derived from scorpion venom. “It’s super unusual. There’s no other products that have this particular peptide,” says Beckinsale. “I was incredibly concerned [at first], ‘Okay there’s something from a scorpion. Like, what the f— have we done to the scorpion?’ That was my first concern, we’re not crushing up a scorpion? No. It’s all very careful and gentle and it’s hand-milking. I can’t imagine milking a scorpion, but here we are.”

She’s not obsessed with aging: “I think other people seem to be very obsessed with aging in a way that I am not. I am asked about that a lot. The minute I turned 31, press-wise, they’d say, ‘Heading towards 40.’ And you just go, ‘Pardon?’ nobody said that to me when I was 10 and I was almost 20. It’s a very different thing. So I think it’s possible for people to create 40 as a real terrifying moment. I found 39 much harder precisely because of that, but I’m in a much happier situation in my forties than I was in my thirties. But I don’t actually think about it that much. I think about it because people ask me about it, but I don’t think I would [otherwise]. Things haven’t started to fall off yet and I haven’t had crazy hormone changes. [Those are coming] down the road and I’m sure that will make me think about it much more, but at the moment nothing feels wildly different than it has for a while.”

She needs her baths: “I literally cannot transition from day to night unless I have submerged myself in water. Which is really annoying because I could get a hotel room and it’ll have cockroaches and go, ‘Okay, fine,’ But if [the room] doesn’t have a bathtub, I’ll be like, ‘Sorry, can I move?’ I really need to have that every day, no matter what. Even when it’s Oscar night and you’re getting home at seven in the morning once you’ve been to 15 parties. I still have to go through the whole bath thing.”

[From People]

She’s 48 years old, I think she probably has been dealing with hormonal changes and maybe she’s just one of those women who breezes through it. The kind of woman who can say in all seriousness that she doesn’t even think about aging, and that she has to take a bath every day. The bath everyday thing is very British, right? There aren’t many Americans who need to be submerged in water every day. As for her must-have products… I switch between Pantene and Suave because I like the smells and I think they work well on my hair, so I’m with her on that. I also think she is right to talk about good genes and not spending a lot of time in the sun.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Instagram.


Trudie Dory

Update: 2024-05-25