
Gianni Versaces partner wasnt consulted for ACS, says details are wrong


There’s been a lot of buzz about Ryan Murphy’s next season of the award-winning anthology, American Crime Story, but there’s one person who definitely isn’t making the series “must-see TV.”

Antonio D’Amico, Gianni Versace’s partner, is not too happy about the way their life together and his partner’s murder are being portrayed on the upcoming series, American Crime Story: The Assassination of Gianni Versace. The 58-year-old model and fashion designer was not consulted by Ryan Murphy or anyone associated with the production of ACS, but we already know that Ryan has a history of not consulting with the people he portrays on his shows.

Although he’s not seen actual footage from the show, Antonio has taken issue with a paparazzi shot from the set of the series depicting him (as played by Ricky Martin) cradling the body of Versace (played by Edgar Ramirez) while he is dying on the front steps of his Miami mansion. He told The Guardian that the photo was “ridiculous”, adding “Maybe it’s the director’s poetic license, but that is not how I reacted.” He recalls that, at that moment, he “felt as if [his] blood had turned to ice.” When seeing his partner lying in a pool of blood, he said that “At that point, everything went dark. I was pulled away; I didn’t see any more.”

Antonio takes exception to docudramas like American Crime Story and the 1998 movie The Versace Murder, accusing them of not getting the facts straight. He noted “There has been so much written and said about the murder, and thousands of suppositions, but not a trace of reality.”

Another beef the former model has with Murphy’s recounting of the events is that the series portrays iconic fashion designer Versace as living a closeted life, but he says it was quite the contrary. “We lived like a natural couple; there was never a problem. It was the right moment for him to come out in public, but everyone involved in our world knew. He never tried to hide who he was.”

Antonio says that he has no plans to watch the series, and is hoping that everyone can just move on from the tragedy. “Unfortunately Gianni died, unfortunately this guy killed him, unfortunately it happened. But now, let it drop.”

I understand where Antonio is coming from, but the public is still fascinated by this case. I know I am. I do wonder if Ryan Murphy tried to reach out to Antonio or, like Feud, just took a bit of creative license without bothering. At least the actor playing Antonio is worthy of filling those speedos. And, hey, any excuse I can have to post this picture of Ricky Martin is okay by me.


Oh and Ricky’s co-star, Penelope Cruz (who plays Donatella Versace), recently posted a photo from the ACS set of Ricky in makeup. Note I did not say “makeup chair” as he was getting makeup applied to his derrière to cover his tattoo. She captioned the snap, “The view from my chair.” If we all could have such a lovely view from our chairs at work. Sigh.


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Photos:, Entertainment Weekly


Elina Uphoff

Update: 2024-05-28