
Alyson Hannigan loves Halloween: Now that the kids are older I can go really scary


For those of us who love all things Halloween, we know that Alyson Hannigan and her husband, Alexis Denisof are one among us. They rival Neil Patrick Harris and his family in costume dedication every year. Apparently, Alyson, like Neil, doesn’t stop at just costumes either, she decorates the house both inside and out. And because her daughters are a bit older now, she’s thrilled because she can go scary in her decorations. Wait, we were supposed to hold off until the kids were older?

I hear you’re very into Halloween as well

I’m very into Halloween, because I love crafting… I just go crazy, they look at me very strange

Hang on, there’s crafty and then there’s you. You’ve got the jumpy house coming out with the whole path coming down…

I do. Yes. So, this year I’m going to get a like a really, really big one that we need to put on the tennis court because it’s so big. But that’s up kind of up a long hill so I’m going to decorate the whole hill. And now that the kids are older, I can go really scary. Because it used to be, “oh, here’s the happy pumpkins!” And now it’s like, “yeah!” they’re into, just the gore – although we do have this one butler decoration guy that we put in the bathroom and now my kid won’t use that bathroom.

The clip is below. I love how excited Alyson gets while talking about her plans. I think I know that butler decoration, too (there are a couple of versions). Bathrooms are a popular place for creepy Halloween figures to end up, btw. Alyson’s daughters Satyana and Keeva are 10 and seven respectfully, so they’re not that old. But no, I didn’t even wait that long with my own. For my daughter’s first Halloween, our theme was Pennywise’s Toy Shoppe. She was six months old, and her costume was Holly Horror, a murderous take on Holly Hobbie. I had her in a blood-spattered bonnet and apron and gave her a plastic butcher knife to chew on. It hasn’t really gotten better since. I remember my toddlers saying goodnight to the floating candelabra behind the cobwebs each night (I also remember what a bitch that thing was to rig). I think the goriest costume I, personally, went as was Annie Chapman to my husband’s Jack the Ripper. I’d studied what wounds he’d left on her and tried to get as close as I could. But I’ve never had a jumpy house. Screaming children, hopped up on sugar, jumping into each other until they throw up might be the scariest yet. And kudos to Alyson and Alexis because holding off on scary after spending all those years on Buffy the Vampire Slayer (and Angel) must have been hard. Alas, Alyson confirms that family costumes are a thing of the past with her kids, just like Jennifer Garner lamented. But we know Alexis will still play along with whatever Alyson has in mind. I can’t wait to see it.

The video is set to play at the 2:55 mark, which is where Alyson talks about her Halloween plans. It also shows her Halloween food display and spread and day-um! she’s upping the game. The first part of the clip is talking about the Lifetime movie Alyson is there to promote, Abducted: The Mary Stauffer Story. Trigger warning if you want to listen to their discussion or read about it, that story is horrendous and I’m just so glad those ladies are still alive and well.


Photo credit: WENN Photos and Instagram


Elina Uphoff

Update: 2024-06-01